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[WPC] Wolf Pack Clan Forum Index
   Killing floor
     Killing Floor: - What's it about?
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Posted on: 2012/4/29 14:59

Joined: 2012/4/24
From: Centralia Pennsylvania
Posts: 15
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
My Deadfrontier loot party loved your synopsis. Several of the members have already expressed intense desire to buy the game,lol this morning the topic on our forums was youtube videos of Killing floor. I have been telling them about our clans mods and they are deffinitley interested.
Posted on: 2012/4/29 15:06

Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Posts: 1636
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
Good good, linky please! lol


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Posted on: 2013/2/8 16:30

Joined: 2012/12/26
From: The Royal Conservitory of Canada
Posts: 47
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
Awwww... Looks like no linky for you. D:
Also want to point out that there's much more than "12+" weapons. Doesn't do the actual number justice.
Posted on: 2013/2/8 16:40

Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Posts: 1636
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
Check the first posts date............. there we go.

besides, 12+ is pretty much the same as what you said.

could have wrote. 1+ weapons, would still mean the same thing.


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Posted on: 2013/2/9 7:00

Joined: 2012/12/26
From: The Royal Conservitory of Canada
Posts: 47
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
That's not true at all. Impact is different, both are true. That's like saying you sell more than one kind of car at your dealership and the competition sells 25+ kinds of cars at theirs. Obviously the more attractive choice is the 25+...
Posted on: 2013/2/9 10:22

Joined: 2010/2/6
From: Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred
Posts: 1503
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
That's not true at all. Impact is different, both are true.

So its not true, but is true?

Also what was the point in necroing a thread to pick at some one?

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Posted on: 2013/2/9 11:46

Joined: 2010/4/9
From: Essex, England
Posts: 1636
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
Trolls gonna troll, I suppose when you live under a bridge and feed on annoyance, this buffet was truly irresistible.

In all honesty the thread is over 2 years old, at the time of writing, there was only vanilla weapons in the game, which was approximately 15-17 weapons. The modding community was still small back then and we were not modding it at the time.

This article was made to help people decide wether to buy the game, and to inform members at that time what the majority of WPC were playing, and clearly it was a good decision as people are still playing the game now.

I helped get the clan into this game, as I found it fun, and it required teamwork, and I have also over the time since then brought 9 copies of the game for clan members. Now I find the game annoying as no one plays together, they just run off and whore kills to look good on a scoreboard, so this article obviously came from a time I could be fucked about the game.

So next time you decide to troll me, learn about what I've done for the clan in 3 years, and then, keep your mouth shut.

Thanks for reading. Now go away.


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Posted on: 2013/2/9 14:18

Joined: 2013/1/11
From: The Black Lagoon
Posts: 497
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
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Posted on: 2013/2/9 14:33

Joined: 2010/2/19
From: the Netherlands
Posts: 2442
Re: Killing Floor: - What s it about?
Okidoki everyone, arguments heard, thread closed!

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